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【Part 2】2022台中爵士音樂節 Jazz Young 巡演 | 2022 Taichung Jazz Festival – Jazz Young Road Show

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

今天(10/9)又來聽 Jazz Young 的表演囉!

臺中市役所是今年 Jazz Young 巡迴的最後一站,在室內剛好可以避開炎熱的大太陽。

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival


靈魂熱帶魚的我只聽到尾聲一點點,但非常喜歡他們在音樂中加入了小提琴的聲部,增添了一種 country 的風味。

桑尼樂團帶來一系列輕鬆、陽光的有人聲爵士樂曲,聽著主唱 Yuki 的歌唱,眼前彷彿看見春暖花開的景色。

Theopolis 也是有人聲的,另外還有薩克斯風,想說主唱 Theo 會不會太正,只要輪到她唱歌,台下一堆男觀眾就瘋狂錄影拍照 XDD

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival


他們帶來很多曲子裡都有solo炫技,尤其是 keyboard 手 Dan Porter,有在彈鋼琴的不可能不被他震撼到啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!那是什麼魔鬼一般的演奏,實在太擄掠人心了,每次他solo完就全場歡呼尖叫,當然每一首曲子結束以後,觀眾給予整個樂團的掌聲又更激昂了!

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

2022 台中爵士音樂節很快就要正式開跑了,喜歡爵士樂的一起歡慶起來吧!


>> 如果喜歡我的文章,可以追蹤 instagram @Sky.Chiu_Adventures,關注 #SkyCEvent 系列貼文,一起展開各式各樣的奇妙冒險喔!


Was at Taichung Shiyakusho for the last Jazz Young event today (Oct 9), indoor venue helped shield the blazing sun, giving us a more pleasant enjoyment of the music.

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

I stayed for the performance of 4 bands this time, including Soul Tropical Fish, Sunny Band, Ben Holt Dallas Soul Jazz Quartet and Theopolis. 

When I arrived, the performance of Soul Tropical Fish was almost over, but I was still able to catch a little bit of the country vibe brought by the very special instrument violin.

Sunny Band and Theopolis both featured vocals in their music. Sunny Band offered a series of “roses and sunshine” old-fashioned music, such as My Favorite Things in The Sound Of Music, It’s A Wonderful World, and On The Sunny Side Of The Street. 

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

As for Theopolis, I must say their singer was so pretty that every time she sang, all male audience took our their phone and started taking photos and videos lolllll

Last but not least, Ben Holt Dallas Soul Jazz Quartet brought to us the most powerful performance of the night. All four performers were totally indulged in their music, conveying their joy and emotions with their instruments through jazz (and blues). 

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

Those who play piano were probably like me, blown away by keyboard player Dan Porter. After each solo and each song, audience bursted into screaming and rounds of applause. 

The main events of 2022 Taichung Jazz Festival are about to kick-start in a few days, come and enjoy if you’re into jazz too!

📍2022 Taichung Jazz Festival  
People’s Park (No. 163-1, Gongyi Rd., West Dist., Taichung City)
Date🗓: 2022 Oct 15 ~ Oct 23
🔸Different events have different schedule and venue, check out official website for latest info🔸

>> If you like my article, come follow me on instagram @Sky.Chiu_Adventures and stay tuned for more sharing on my adventures!

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