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【Part 1】2022台中爵士音樂節 Jazz Young 巡演 | 2022 Taichung Jazz Festival – Jazz Young Road Show

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival


爵士音樂節有超多系列活動,其中 Jazz Young 巡演有點類似音樂節的序曲吧,這兩個禮拜的週末分別在台中的不同地點舉行爵士樂團的快閃表演,覺得有趣就路過去看看惹😆

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

今天(10/2)的 Jazz Young 舉辦在 PARK2 草悟廣場(草悟道什麼時候多了這一區怎麼不知道,真是失職的台中人),人潮洶湧,各個年齡層的觀眾都有,簡直不把 covid 放在眼裡。

我去的時候剛好輪到 NoMads Factory 和 DonSir 兩個樂團演出。平常比較少接觸爵士樂,但果然爵士就是一聽到身體就會跟著搖擺搖擺,韻律感極強,超有味道💃🏻

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

兩個樂團的 vibe 非常不一樣,各有特色,大愛 NoMads Factory 的強烈巴爾幹半島風格,DonSir 裡那個拿四支棒子敲鐵琴的小姊姊則讓我想起小時候在打擊樂團的美好時光,好懷念啊啊啊,鄉愁感各種湧現(是八十歲老人嗎?)

現場除了表演,還會販售樂團們的 CD,被圈粉的人可以直接買買買起來!

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

下週末的 Jazz Young 巡演會跑到臺灣府儒考棚和臺中市役所,也會有其他樂團,如果有去的話再跟大家分享👍🏻


>> 如果喜歡我的文章,可以追蹤 instagram @Sky.Chiu_Adventures,關注 #SkyCEvent 系列貼文,一起展開各式各樣的奇妙冒險喔!


2022 Taichung Jazz Festival has kick-started a series of events. Even though I’m not totally familiar with jazz, as a music lover, definitely shouldn’t miss out.

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

In the many events and programs in Taichung Jazz Festival, “Jazz Young” road show presents the performance of dozens of jazz bands at four different locations on two consecutive weekends. 

Today’s (Oct 2) Jazz Young event was held in PARK2 Caowu Square, there were so many people it was like covid doesn’t exist at all 😆 Many had beer in one hand and phone in another, just chilling in the rhythmic jazz music and the amazing performance of the bands. 

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

I stayed for two sessions: NoMads Factory and DonSir. These two bands sent out very different vibes, loved the Balkan style of NoMads Factory’s music, and the performer with four mallets playing on vibraphone in DonSir really brought me back to the good old days in percussion band, nostalgic memories poured out like I’m some 80 year old 💀

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

Besides live performance, you can also purchase their CDs at nearby stands. Those who love jazz music, don’t forget to prepare your wallet for this tough battle!

Next week, Jazz Young event will be touring Taiwan Prefecture Confucian Examination Hall and Taichung Shiyakusho, presenting other jazz bands, will share the photos/videos if I get a chance to go👍🏻

2022台中爵士音樂節,2022 Taichung Jazz Festival

📍2022 Taichung Jazz Festival  
People’s Park (No. 163-1, Gongyi Rd., West Dist., Taichung City)
Date🗓: 2022 Oct 15 ~ Oct 23
🔸Different events have different schedule and venue, check out official website for latest info🔸

>> If you like my article, come follow me on instagram @Sky.Chiu_Adventures and stay tuned for more sharing on my adventures!

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